Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Trancendent Hero

Hey guys, my name is Francisco. I'm 15 and a freshman at Horn High. Personally,I would consider myself to be a Transcendent Hero, because I do have one big weakness that always seems to haunt me. I'm awfully lazy and I would do anything just to get out of doing any work. Whenever there's a big project, I put off until the very last minute and they usually don't show what I can really do and this bothers me. What I have realized is that everything in life won't every be easy and that you might as well give it your all. Even to this day, I have not yet overcome this obstacle in my life, but I have hope!

Who am I?

To me, figuring out who you are and what you can do is the most important thing in life. I am on a quest for identity. Most kids my age, have mostly already figured out what career field they want to be involved in when they grow up, but for me I have never been sure of what I wanted to do.

The Mentor

My mentor is my mother, she made me who I am today. She's always been there for me and I will never forget all the good times we've had. She has taught me that anything is possible with God. I admire her because of her distinctive attitude toward obstacles that stand in front of her. Even though we may have our fights sometimes, she'll always be the one I look up to.

The Threshold Guardian

Oh boy, my Threshold Guardian would have to be my older brother, Vladimir. He's a senior and just graduated this past weekend. I guess our relationship would be described as a love/hate deal. I know he's always going to be there and have my back if I ever needed something, but what we lack is communication. We solemnly talk to each other when we don't have to, but we know we can't always be this way and we're starting to talk more. :) I guess you could say that he's been my role model. I've always looked up to him and try to follow what he has done. Whenever I need a ride somewhere, like to a soccer practice, I know I can trust him to take me there and to pick me back up on time.


No one likes being rejected or failure. Which is why I consider this to be my shadow. I've always tried my best to accomplish whatever it is I have set my mind to do, but y'know sometimes it just does not workout. it doesn't feel so great after you know you tried your hardest, but you're still not 'good' enough in my case. I know this because a few years back, I tried out for a select soccer team in Garland. I was very anxious because I've always played rec. and now I thought that this was my chance to show them what I've got. Unfortunately, I didn't make it and this put me down for a few days. After a while, I started to become more confident in myself and my abilities and I recieved a call from a select coach asking me to be a part of their team. I was in shock, I could not believe that I made it to the next level even though it might require more hard work, I gladly accepted.


Who's my trickster you ask? It's that short, red-haired kid (even though he swears it's a 'shade' of blond) that I have in almost all of my classes. Otherwise known as Austin Johns. Even though we just met this year, it's been amazing. Like me, he's the kind of guy that enjoys a good laugh. W've helped each other out alot this past year and I hope that next year will be even better.

(I tried my hardest to make this NOT sound lame!)

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